Tuesday, February 19, 2013

cheap cosmetics for Black Sesame Hot Mask Wash Off of SKINFOOD

cheap cosmetics for Black Sesame Hot Mask Wash Off of SKINFOOD

SKINFOOD Black Sesame Hot Mask Wash Off 110g


My face gets tightened a lot whenever I go outside because of the cold weather. 
This is a product that I've found while searching for a moist pack that controls the sebum. 
In fact, the most famous product of Skinfood is the 'Black Sugar Pack'. 
But I wanted to try something new. So I bought this 'Black Sesame Hot Mask Hot Mask'. 
Let me start my review. LOL

Volume :  110g  It's 10g heavier than the 'Back Sugar Mask'. Is it because it has real sesames in it? 


The baked salt and sugar powder of SKINFOOD Black Sesame Hot Mask Wash Off cleanses the skin very deeply with its thermal effects.SKINFOOD Black Sesame Hot Mask Wash Off is a high-moisturizing heating mask that makes the skin smooth by the nutrition of sesames. 

How to use

Apply an appropriate amount on areas of the skin that have a lot of dead skin cells while your face is wet after washing your face, give a gentle massage and wash it off with warm water after 3-5 minutes. 
Use the product in a proper temperature because the temperature of the mask may go up very high when used in hot  a bathroom or a sauna. 

<Source : Skinfood Website http://www.theskinfood.com >

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This is the new SKINFOOD Black Sesame Hot Mask Wash Off that has not been unwrapped yet. 
New products always excite me. LOL

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The picture of sesames is printed on the case. LOL
It kindly says 'Black Sesame Hot Mask'. LOL

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This is how the lid looks like. What does it say at the end?

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It says 'open here'. LOL


I've expected it to have a spatula in it. But all I've found was the description. 

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There was another lid on the top when I open the first lid. LOL

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This is the type of lid that I like the most. The lid that opens and closes by turning it. 


The sesames get stretched like this when you hold up the lid. 
It's so good!

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I took a closer look at the content. It was very sticky like a peel off pack. 
The smell of the sesames was very aromatic. I am really counting on this. LOL

This is the pack that's on the lid. 
I usually use them first because I like to use it cleanly. :)

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I stuck my finger in it and it makes me want to eat them. Oh gosh. I am so hungry right now..

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The texture was sort of like rice cake. LOL It's very sticky. 

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I gently applied the appropriate amount and rubbed them on my hand. LOL
Be aware! You should use this pack wet your skin is still wet. 
Do not wipe off the water on your face after washing your face. 
Your skin won't get irritated in that way because the particles are quite rough. 
I also tested on my face and 
it sort of hurt even though I rubbed it very gently when my face was still wet. 
But as you already know, most scrub product are like this. :)
Can you see those sesames on the back of my hand? :)

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This is my right hand after using the product. 


This is my left hand. I can see the dead skin cells and it looks very rough. 


I think it's a great product with moisturizing effects and effects for removing the dead skin cells~
But I was not able to feel the thermal effects. Perhaps it was because I used the product with cold water. :)


Click here to purchase the product.

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