Tuesday, February 19, 2013

cheap cosmetics for Coffee Body Scrub of SKINFOOD

cheap cosmetics for Coffee Body Scrub of SKINFOOD

SKINFOOD Coffee Body Scrub


The product that I am going to introduce is SKINFOOD Coffee Body Scrub. LOL
I tried using the samples of Skinfood basic cosmetics and they didn't match very well on me. 
So I don't usually go to Skinfood, but this product was quite famous. 
I tried it and recommended it to my mom because it was really good.  Let me start my review now. 

<cheap cosmetics for Coffee Body Scrub of SKINFOOD>

 This is how the product looks like. The volume is only 160g. 
People say that Bodyshop's scrubs are good. But Bodyshop has such a small volume and it's quite expensive. 


<cheap cosmetics for Coffee Body Scrub of SKINFOOD>

This is my second bottle and I am already half way done. 
It has a sweet coffee smell. It's can be a little too strong, 
but you won't be able to smell it because you wash them off anyways. 

This is the protection lid and it looks very hygienic and 
safe because the plastic lid is quite thick. LOL
There are many products out there that only have a thin film on it. I like it this way a lot better. 

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I applied some on the back of my hand. 
The scrum is sort of like brown grains mixed with sugar. 
You should be able to take a shower with 3 or 4 times more the amount that you see in the photograph.

<cheap cosmetics for Coffee Body Scrub of SKINFOOD>

The instruction says that I have to make the skin wet with water and apply the product by melting it in warm water. It can be a little irritating to the skin because the sugar-like grains are quite big.  The photograph above is when I've spread the scrub after melting it in warm water. 
Look at those sugar-like grains on my skin LOL

 <cheap cosmetics for Coffee Body Scrub of SKINFOOD>

 It gently rolled them on my skin. 
Isn't it sort of glossy?
I think it also had moisturizing effects on the skin. 
The sugar-like grains have melted and only the brown grains are left. LOL

<cheap cosmetics for Coffee Body Scrub of SKINFOOD>

I washed it off with water and wiped them off with a towel. LOL
Doesn't it look cleaner?
It's sort of hard for me to go to the public bathhouse because I live in a dormitory. 
So I've been looking for something that can substitute that and there was the body scrub. 
I looked them up on the internet and have decided to buy this one!!
I've been going to the public bathhouse since I was young and to be frank, I was not able to remove the dead skin cells completely with this product. 
It merely delays myself from going to the public bathhouse. 
I used to go to the public bathhouse once a week and
I am now going there once in two or three weeks after using product. LOL

<cheap cosmetics for Coffee Body Scrub of SKINFOOD>

Click here to purchase the product.

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