Tuesday, February 19, 2013

cheap cosmetics for Ginseng Mask of SKINFOOD

cheap cosmetics for Ginseng Mask of SKINFOOD

SKINFOOD Ginseng Mask 100g


I think SKINFOOD Ginseng Mask is a perfect product for a person like me
who has lots of red blemishes on the face. LOL

I am writing this review for those people
 who are worrying about their skin just like me.:)

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Ginseng Mask (100g)

Ginseng Mask has the effects of improving the dark skin into a bright skin 
with its ginseng that are produced at Gumsan, South Korea. 

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Let's take a closer look. :)
Doesn't it look like a jar of honey?

Especially, this product is designed in such a lovely way!
The design of the product matches so well with ginseng. 

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The jar fits right in your hand. :)

Let a look~

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I didn't know how much was 100g. 
I think you should be able to use if for about a month and a half if you use it twice or three times a week. 

It's a perfect product for me 
because I usually use a lot. 

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Let's look at the bottom of the product~
The detailed descriptions and manufacturing date are written on the back. 

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 As you can see it in the product description, 
its a mask pack that contains ginseng that were grown at Gumsan, South Korea. 

Ginseng is a really precious ingredient and it's amazing that I get to apply them on my skin. 
I really don't have to explain anything more about this. 

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This is how it looks like after unwrapping the product. 
It's so much cleaner now~

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You can see the contents int he bottle because it's a transparent bottle. 
The design of the bottle looks very clean and luxurious because it has the Skinfood logo on it. 
Let's take a look at the photograph~

The first thing that I saw when I opened the bottle was..

What? What's that white thingy???

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The white things are the white ginseng powder. :)

You can see it at a glance that it has a lot of ginseng powder in it. 

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This is the spoon that comes along with the product!!
It's very useful because you always need something to scoop the content out. 

The spoon also has the Food Angel logo on it. 


I want to apply it on my face, but my skin is extremely rough right now. 

I'll test it on the back of my hand. :)

Just apply the amount that you want

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And here it is~~
I think I scooped out too much. 

As you can see in the photograph, it's not watery at all. 
But it's not too hard as well. 
I think the viscosity is perfect as a pack. 


I tore up the pack 
and there were lots of grains~
Can you see them?

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I applied it on the back of my hand. 
I think it was a little too much. Please understand.. 

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The grains will disappear and the cream gets filled into the skin If you do the rolling properly. 
Unlike when you rubbed them twice or three times, 
most of the grains disappeared. 

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How does it look?
Didn't the back of my hand got much brighter after using the pack?

By using this pack on my face, I've realized once again that my skin had lots of red blemishes. LOL I am sure that you'll always look for this product when you experience its amazing effects. :)

I hope that you try it out by yourself. 
I really guarantee it. 

It matched so well on a person like me who has a sensitive skin
because it's a very mild mak. 

The soft and smooth feeling was so nice
and the smell of ginseng made me feel that it was making my skin healthy. :)

I highly recommend it. :)

Click here to purchase the product.

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